Sunday, January 16, 2011

Franchise Proposal Example

Sun Signs

Further to my photo of the day who had tickled my visitors ...
In Porto Novo, Benin, in the wake of brothers Theodore and Calixte Dakpogan, from a secular family of blacksmiths, many scrap dealers were trained and tried their luck on the market. With pieces found on the wreckage of vehicles, scrap metal artists create voodoo statues of gods, artisans and animals.
During a trip, we met the artist Simonet BIOKOU scrap and we had a chance to visit his studio, with people skills of our friend, a resident of Cotonou.
We admired the look of this artist that captures and reflects the daily acts with remarkable acuity of its own. We was immediately captivated by his work ... and we brought our luggage in the statuette of a blacksmith ...
When our friend has organized an exhibition of his works the Ethnographic Museum of Geneva in 1997, we had the opportunity to acquire "The Cameraman" and since it monitors the garden . Simonet told us they had the idea to the back of a big wedding where a cameraman was filming the ceremony, which was not so common at the time ...

We then received the statue that we call "The Sweeper of the North" because it is attached to the north of the house. It is like an ally, and graceful presence of a friend ...

Day after day we filmed by the cameraman who knows everything about our comings and goings in the garden and we always have before him, admiring him and saying "smile, you're on camera," or "Hi, big brother.

since Simonet BIOKOU saw his art recognized and even if we do not return to Benin, his memory is alive and we keep a great admiration, along with much affection.


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