images of flowers past revive the garden during the cold days and can leave for new plantings, creating new associations, imagine the flowerbeds mixing colors and shapes. The pause imposed by the winter is fertile in projects ...
But meanwhile, in the garden ... I am still alive ... less colorful, certainly, but far more turbulent! Some feeders, and the show is provided at the first light of day until sunset. With an appetite ogre, all birds are given appointments and bicker if the gardener has forgotten to fill the granaries!
The forest is near and soon the first frost, tits are there ..
Two blue tit, a tit |
I do not have a suitable photo of the Marsh Tit, too bright, which makes the round trip between manger and the bush where she dissects his sunflower seeds, yet despite its modest dress, she is my favorite! The Coal Tit is also present, but equally troubled, and I have nothing but blurred images of the light weight.
At the manger is the rat race! While the tits are the peck, the robin so aggressive with others, waiting for them to finish their comings and goings, and settled comfortably. He left the crib in the first racket, he often eats the ground, but he is biding his time without worry ...
Siskin, male and female, Crested Tit, Robin |
The forest brings us close to the birds meteorologists : We know that if they come into the garden, the snow is not far!
Woodpecker, Bullfinch male Long-tailed Tit (bald) |
Well armed, they have no difficulty find a place among the regulars ... even if their passage is ephemeral. The peak passes the morning he cleans the oak and the knock-knock signals. The bullfinch couple and often it is the sound of his flute-like song that betrayed him. This year, they reached 9am in the morning and they feasted on fruits Weigelia that I had not cut! As for the long-tailed tit, she arrived in band and is grabbing everything that is eaten. I counted to ten in two or three balls of fat! And then finally
tenants this year. They are at home, their only enemy is Seita, the cat house, cats and neighbors she tolerates in its field!
Sparrow, Red Merle and throat |
The cold days, the need is Act and the sparrow behaves like tit!
tits and long tailed Sparrow |
Winter is the blessed time to watch this little world ... In summer, the tits are still there, but they hide in the leaves ... Blackbirds are ubiquitous, but so common, that despite their beautiful plumage, they are neglected a little. The sparrows are afraid of nothing, not even the cat. Red throat with me in my gardening sessions, often so close that I'm afraid to touch it with my hoe. He babbles very gently, but her singing is very melodious. I call it "Little Prince", as he is charming with its round eye and because he can not stand any competition.
warblers, wrens, red-tails, nuthatches, creepers, magpies, jays and doves are other visitors to the garden. All suffer the yoke of the hostess, the feline Seita, incorrigible hunter.
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